What is Romance Fraud
Romance Fraudsters and Their Devastating Impact
Romance fraudsters, also known as romance scammers, are individuals who exploit the emotions and trust of unsuspecting victims by creating fictitious romantic relationships.
We tend to think of them mainly operating on dating websites and social media platforms where they carefully construct fake identities to lure their targets. But we mustn’t forget that romance fraudsters can exist in the real world too, not just online – The primary aim of these fraudsters is financial gain, but the consequences of their actions extend far beyond monetary loss, inflicting deep emotional and psychological scars on their victims.
The Modus Operandi of a Romance Fraudster
A romance fraudster typically begins by creating a compelling online profile, complete with attractive photos and a captivating backstory. They may claim to be a successful professional, often in a field that requires extensive travel or prolonged periods away from home, such as the military, engineering, or international business. This provides a convenient excuse for why they cannot…