Language used, and what it reveals

Statistically, most fraudsters tend come from countries where English is not the primary language. Because of that there are often red flags in the wording they have used on their profiles, and even more red flags could be discovered in messages you have exchanged with them.

When reading their messages and profile information, ask yourself if their grammar and spelling is in keeping with the successful or wealthy image they are presenting of themselves, or their education and career. Does something seem not quite right?

Use your own judgement, if it doesn’t feel right then and trust your gut – block them and walk away. Don’t confront them as they will, more often than not, become quite angry. Remember, they have had access to your photos, name and personal information too – blocking them without warning otherwise they may decide to copy your information and photos and use it themselves on another fake profile.

Larger groups of fraudsters (organised crime) have scripts to follow and because of that the same phrases can pop up again and again. As well as similar timeframes to start talking about money and investments.

Often you will find several fraudsters messaging you all saying quite similar things. The photo to the left is a page taken from a very detailed ‘instruction manual’ of an organised crime group in China responsible for a large amount what is known as a ‘Pig Butchering Scam’ – the type of romance fraud where they take time to build a relationship with the victim in order to scam the most amount of money from them.

The list below contains examples of some of the more common words and types of phrases that you may find them using. Phrases and terms of endearment that seem too loving and too soon, mentions of religion and charity work are also big red flags to watch out for.

My dear
My angel

God fearing

Love of my life
I’ve fallen for you
I can’t wait to be with you
We’re so alike
I can’t video call

Praise the Lord (or God)
Mentioning Jesus
Saying they are going to church
Saying they work for a charity

Trust me
I’ll pay you back
My bank account is frozen
My work/charity has an event and I can’t afford a dress/suit to attend

It’s Guaranteed
Low Risk, High Returns
Game Changing Technology
This is a New/Exclusive Investment Opportunity
I earn a living from my Crypto/Bitcoin investments
We have a new investment fund/app, I can get you in early if you like

This is just a small sample of phrases and words used, but it should be enough to give you a good starting point.

Realistically a fraudster needs to lead the conversation in to talking about money, that’s when you know for certain you are in the sights of a scammer.